
The Lawton Board of Realtors exists to serve members by providing value-added benefits to help them succeed, to serve the community, and to promote professionalism and ethical behavior.

Elgin Realty

Work 7727 US Hwy 277 Suite 1 Elgin Oklahoma 73538 United States Work Phone: 580-492-4260 Work Fax: 580-492-5244


Bennett, Kaci 608-855-0171
Cabelka, Sue 580-591-3362
Eakins, Lisa 580-678-3774
Jones, Rachael 816-838-7687
Kennedy-Base, Kristie 580-284-3796
Knight, Tasha 915-588-8713
Maki, Charlotte (Charli) 580-574-8642
McDonald, Debbie (DR) 580-695-8552
Moore, Lexia 580-514-7968
Polito, Rachelle 580-919-9913
Strecker, Terri 580-512-0615