
The Lawton Board of Realtors exists to serve members by providing value-added benefits to help them succeed, to serve the community, and to promote professionalism and ethical behavior.

Re/Max Professionals

Work 1701 NW Cache Rd Lawton Oklahoma 73507 United States Work Phone: 580-353-7496 Work Fax: 580-353-4981


Bridges, Julie 580-695-3883
Cartmill, Elizabeth 580-704-4224
Chesko, Juli 580-351-4060
Christian, Daisy 580-351-4292
Ellis, Jennifer 580-512-1783
Fisher, Lori 580-699-1080
Gates, Barry 580-512-0706
Gutierrez, Veronica 580-606-8226
Hargrave, Lawrence 580-647-3245
Harrell, Fran 580-647-9624
Kerr, Toni 580-704-5566
Lodes, Hope 580-585-1001
McGuire, Cindy 580-585-1087
Mercado, Jacqueline 773-750-8733
Mitchell, Jeannine 580-512-6507
Moeller, Barbara (Moeller) 580-581-7036
Parks, Lon (DR) 580-353-7496
Sasseen, Max 580-695-8282
Sasseen-Davis, Julie 580-695-4618
Smith, R.L. 580-595-1580
Stanfield, Heesun 580-585-2068
Thomas, Kimberly 580-704-9916
Weaver, Chris 580-695-8391
Wood, Joslyn 580-512-4487